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[新聞頻道] 修改手机MAC地址教程

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發表於 2012-4-17 00:49:53 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
一.) a) L+ O- p1 [- U
/system/etc/firmware/nvram.txt4 ?9 i4 a) Z  f/ X# V
或者是$ Z/ X$ i3 o, v! Q/ ?+ N( O. @
$ F' ~- l  @3 j$ q# j' e二.
2 q3 X$ v% \/ Z- E+ S9 b+ R) I. Q需要安装AndroidSDK和FASTBOOT/adb的驱动程序。
5 V9 x( G2 h# y% L% d1)打开一个新的命令窗口。) g' l% @8 |7 h# f$ V3 M& W0 z
2)Type  d0 a6 A" R) V0 \2 R' S
3)输入cd \
' M" L' k. }% R5 Y/ x4)  输入cd AndroidSDK\tools" A/ X- d% v- ^; O. o: H( z
5)  打开手机进入Fastboot
" }* P' X  I) D5 b" `& \( y. X    astboot OEM rebootRUU
- p8 V) T# O/ o, E. K: q- k6)在您的手机会重新启动,, i& ~: t7 ^1 b( l# B  d. A

3 f0 X, h2 {8 Z' W1 Ktype:FASTBOOT OEM emapiWlanMac
4 O5 x& D) g" A; n# L你会得到这样东西:$ W/ R% h7 M4 {. l# j8 ]
... INFONotice: This MAC address takes effect only
4 S% u# Y2 s$ f! I' K* Q( ~; w, fwhen your platfor+ o% _/ i- A  b4 U* B  s
INFOm is EEPRON-less configuration. Please use (emapiTest)  to v0 D9 x% d7 H$ Y+ D% j; f" K
INFOerify it !; J5 ~5 ?; N2 a- B
5 v8 ]& A/ B1 l% HINFO0x000000DE
! |! i& g. u6 q4 X  o0 c  DINFO0x000000AD
2 u8 o. U" `. U9 y2 O& NINFO0x000000BE! a! Z0 G1 Q( ?% F% j4 n% n
2 \# [: \' }2 l/ Z6 GINFO0x00000000
7 d6 u% M- y, [/ B) mINFO-eMapiWlanMacCommand, status = 1. E$ _1 [/ a6 T
OKAY [  0.025s]$ Y6 O# w: n5 ]' [1 G) W  E8 L
finished. total time: 0.026s
; X7 A& [0 I, t. J  q5 ?请注意您的MAC地址(中强调的部分 - 这个MAC地址是00: DE:AD:BE:EF:00)。3 A  P( k6 @( \# q  Z& O
  H4 `6 `/ P# Gfastboot oem emapiWlanMac 00 01 02 03 04 05
" z: {7 N, P) D8 \1 _; {MAC地址修改成了00:01:02:03:04:05。
" _+ ^% o% J8 v. T, F! w0 y6 N8)完成!输入重新启动:
& Q$ Y8 M4 ^( E: \* D) gfastboot oem boot9 ]  F7 }! P  @7 Z4 Z; w
# P& H1 X' s) B0 B) j# t- B$ d9 H; n. |$ B' _& l2 b9 i, R/ w
: t& M6 S4 \: }; c5 t0 O
LG的在/system/etc/wl/下. D# L( z+ C  m$ u0 m
还有更简单的方法,用rootExplorer打开,选目录权限,允许修改,然后改。. B8 Q9 t3 F! j+ L/ s" C1 W

# L7 Y+ W/ l, I& b% O: f+ w- q  w( x4 h" M; f3 W/ U" M

6 x( E$ `! f5 ^) z3 ]# q8 E  i  W8 U6 g( l' O9 i7 u: ]
HTC的:. e4 T0 g$ A9 d9 ?4 g- v3 L
Here's a quick guide how to change your Hero's MAC Address.4 z3 N3 I: F& Z0 q/ [% A7 C
Changing MAC Address is legal, but check your local laws, just incase.
- Z, Y4 r7 [( q7 |% p8 H+ J8 B
, u! j7 n6 L5 TYou will need the Unlocked SPL for GSM Hero to do this. Please click the link if you haven't already got it.
9 ], I- O* h1 ?" B
! @# O4 b( s' V: g; a% ]You'll also need the AndroidSDK and fastboot/adb drivers installed.+ s& n1 q$ j- T# T3 x
. O  v; X  }. Z* Z  Y1 W9 b
1) Open up a new command window.
/ E$ \1 u) N8 P2) Type
9 T0 E& e8 E' g0 o+ |Code:/ m; {, J6 Y1 d0 ]  a; q6 L3 d2 q
cd \
) L6 N: \( r6 j" ~3) Type) P9 P4 `* q1 E. T) G1 e, v& z+ E2 t
: A, F0 a5 u# @7 U" icd AndroidSDK\tools
1 `8 b' ~2 s5 F4) Boot your HTC Hero into Fastboot
# _* x; m' y  t% [/ E# g" L' t, J5) Type:3 g4 t- Q$ K- W1 g
2 e' N0 U( Y7 A) x1 C6 |
Code:4 K, O8 M; _- l2 p9 }. ~
fastboot oem rebootRUU
# Z/ ]3 s( w- U% b7 ~2 x) ?6) After your phone restarts, type:
# R5 Z2 W4 m" _) R
% W8 c6 L, q% o0 k' V; v9 RCode:, q5 t7 P; q! ?0 N( d7 j# K4 u
fastboot oem emapiWlanMac( d/ i& @% O6 Q
You'll get something like:
" M/ S4 k( E8 m; c6 m2 e" @
' C) P  b# `$ t# d. q9 Q6 X' rCode:
! b- L1 \$ f) a" J! C* c: A& j... INFONotice: This MAC address takes effect only& v2 j, U% P0 q9 w( T3 ^% K
when your platfor
8 _' {: n$ o4 @! ?INFOm is EEPRON-less configuration. Please use (emapiTest)  to v: q) |4 @: X2 u( T3 f" F
INFOerify it !/ ]3 ~/ i, r- ]! a
' w5 K8 `) |' A4 ^- U, fINFO0x000000DE9 K6 n& o- \' ]% ^
# g  m7 S; H( S8 M6 J( VINFO0x000000BE  L/ z+ c2 l6 U7 B% Q
( ~7 n0 ]/ w1 |+ l% gINFO0x00000000
7 C; h% a  Q( f- R( X. ?/ ?3 s1 ]INFO-eMapiWlanMacCommand, status = 1
+ T1 l5 |) l: ~& r6 ^2 S4 ^  ?, J! B7 ROKAY [  0.025s]
) P1 J. i7 k% x+ G' W1 d/ b1 xfinished. total time: 0.026s
7 ?2 H. i- h1 N                            : {  s+ f: S. ~9 ]
Make a note of your MAC Address (the sections in underline - this MAC address would be 00: DE:AD:BE:EF:00, for example).
  K% S+ q1 \4 B, y7) Now, type this command to set the new MAC Address that you want (MAC Address should use spaces instead of ':'):
$ X; q& q4 p) M' p  r8 I
' x' E# j) b7 t1 k1 N' {Code:
5 d, s" ~" i: F: _! @' Ufastboot oem emapiWlanMac 00 01 02 03 04 05; G: l1 r/ u, n3 x; z- J
That would make the MAC Address 00:01:02:03:04:05.# G5 c! |( s8 E, q: ^5 s
8) Done! Type this to reboot:2 l5 Y* x- L! |7 Y. r2 x1 x
. [0 P% L- A4 g  u8 t( s
1 M* U+ V. _) |fastboot oem boot& H0 ]4 b. R* F) u" U
1 ?6 T& }  I2 h5 t9 `

/ q% Z2 |# m- A9 W) U
7 |. F" q4 L7 E; [8 q
# P- V* y# W5 H! d! t6 Zg1的:+ J) E) t" ^, ^* @3 z2 O
用R.E管理器打开/system/etc    找到calibration,长按,选择使用文本编辑器方式打开,1 X; n/ v, F! j" v
第一行 macaddr=00:11:22:33:44:55 把00:11:22:33:44:55修改成你你想要的mac地址,! u, g9 j  ?2 Q- i5 @6 f9 _
保存退出,重启即可.! B4 ?4 y5 q: L( s3 X* K0 i



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  f+ M6 O* W4 ]) A/ _' E# t( v+ S5 Y8 s- u$ J& ^- k' f1 [  c
$ d9 y" x. c& [/ V+ F1 g2 ^# }

5 H2 g; q5 F$ h
) H5 u: {/ z: o* J, `$ s5 A8 _8 Y. B

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