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[嘉義] 念戀奮起湖-九月住宿打卡贈送精美明信片



發表於 2017-8-3 16:37:18 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
' z2 S. g  u4 F% U
凡於九月份入住飯店的貴賓,皆可參加打卡送禮的活動,完成活動任務後,飯店將贈送限量精美明信片壹張(隨機),寫下奮起湖之旅的點點滴滴,可在櫃台蓋完奮起湖紀念章之後,投入飯店內的奮起湖信箱,我們將代為寄出。: A. Z* t, l1 s1 w
Anyone who check-in on September can take part in the activity that“ check in “on Facebook and you’ll get exquisite gift(random)! You can get an exquisite card once you finish “check in “on Facebook and you can write down all good memories there on your card, then get it off.
% P$ `% b1 `# Q1 e, u. v4 p
0 U( c# A; y4 k! K6 h
7 T' R! e- b9 c- K8 H3 {- `% i9 W5 ^
兩者擇一,完成其中一項任務即可!!& X+ `0 B- x1 D
Choose one mission above then you can get an exquisite gift!!
$ j5 O1 v" t+ Y: ?' E* j6 k, }9 s& W6 A
任務(1)3 [* |& g+ p2 r: U

" R' q* g: Q. o: uMission 1.
, v. M* E7 \4 d) R6 O+ j# tTake a picture with Mr.Lin who is the founder for Fenchihu lunchbox and “check in “on Facebook to share with your friends.

" M9 g7 d4 o+ R4 v: P% R: L* W8 N; Y4 H* H9 S! o* A) o, X- H) g
任務(2)3 y+ M( s. o0 w2 t& [5 U5 g- o. R

0 R; z9 t5 o8 f; R! CMission 2.9 [0 b0 T% g$ U5 Q. y0 K
Taking a picture that you are having a tasty lunchbox in Fenchihu hotel and “check in” on Facebook.
4 ~/ I" i5 a4 s1 y) S" ?1 D

* E8 r) C% a, J5 L0 s9 F注意事項:
1 c# A* U0 p8 v% q. L% N$ _, Y*不適用於團體、旅行社、司機(車行)訂房。
8 O2 R  P8 Y  I*一間房間,一次參加機會。
8 U0 K5 T/ M; X" }9 T2 ?*完成訂房後,如更改日期至非優惠期間內,及視同取消所有優惠活動的資格。
" x# F5 W& Q# ]  W+ @* X# a4 y) ?$ a*飯店有保留活動修與中止權的權益。

) a3 D  U" @+ t6 f# HMatters needing attentions,
- p. ?1 C4 p+ r: T, ]1. Not for civil body, travel agency, etc.
7 S- {) z7 \" r2. There’s only one time for a room.
/ x0 ?9 ?. U3 s7 r  x# V( y3. If you change the date without the activity, your qualification for the activity would be cancelled.8 M+ R% ^' X  `1 }- @8 a
4. “Fenchihu Hotel” has the right to stop the promotion activity.
& q1 c: j+ w1 B1 c" k! Q: ~" R; w
3 r& w' [# a; Y# X1 ^  E平日住宿快閃活動) P! T% q! l* H, g8 h! A+ [
7 B( Y* T: ^4 }' u

/ v2 |, G4 h5 K8 J2 ]活動期間:8/22-24、8/28-31/ j5 q/ x& \# S; @
" \: p( r' R. Z( s; h& K+ l1.本優惠不適用於團體、旅行社、車行(司機)9 o0 R6 q7 J) Q; B
2.完成訂房後,如更改日期至非優惠期間內,即視同取消所有優惠活動的資格" z, F, M' J' [+ ~- T. ~! |4 e

  N, p, w# Z* b------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
, {2 ?. w' v2 }, j  Z0 e' RPromotional Event+ b* X# s& x) y2 K
If you book the room on normal day,
, y& B3 M. a, ]# S7 y. [( M" G* D) h) XYou will get free lunch boxes which depends on the room you booked.
3 T; G. g! P* B4 g  fPeriod:8/22-24、8/28-31- E" |" a5 x) _' n' }+ j. u2 y
1. This offer is not applicable to groups, travel agencies, car (driver)
0 u: o$ l/ p# O; |; d/ l4 D2. Once the booking is completed. You might change the date to non-discount period and this offer would be canceled.9 @; o- U9 y' I3 f3 A
3. the hotel reserves the right of modification and termination of this promotional event.

) c1 B/ ^4 T( v0 ^- |3 p. N
! t2 a$ E1 r) j& f4 M( P《飯店資訊》
, U* j* _7 k5 m# Y電話:05-2561888
( d. ^8 c  v: Q+ r6 mLINE ID:fenchihu_hotel9 T4 B6 k4 b& J3 N7 l6 i2 g

/ `( W  H9 d1 V1 x" E3 z/ g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 c3 g/ d+ n( I- P6 A7 P$ y《information of fenchihu hotel》6 i9 v/ l9 W5 Z" p+ l' g8 Y$ I
* [8 O' K: P9 {# v6 _. bLINE ID:fenchihu_hotel$ X1 ]- ]1 _( h4 Z2 o& k
ADD:No.178-1, Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
* f9 S* T2 U9 j7 t; a( N  c& s
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------& `, M0 Y5 y/ r9 u. b7 m1 C
) x% A( n. x$ y) k8 h


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